
E-Commerce Advantages For Suppliers And Vendors - Marketing Communications Marketing communications. Today, most companies use the Web to inform customers about the company, apart from their products or services, both through internal communications with other companies and customers. However, the interactive nature of the Web offers other benefits leading to develop relationships with customers. This potential for interaction facilitates relations marketing and customer support, to an extent that would have been impossible with traditional media. A Web site is available 24 hours a day in customer demand. The people doing the Web marketers can use to retain customers through asynchronous dialogue happens to the convenience of both parties. This capability offers unprecedented opportunities to fine tune the communications to individual customers, providing they request such information as they wish. In addition, it allows those responsible for the marketing area to obtain relevant customer information in order to serve effectively in future trade relations. Simple Web sites to customers involved with buttons to send emails to the company. In other places more sophisticated, customers fill out forms in order to develop an ongoing relationship with the company, which aims to inform both the products and services such as information about the needs that customers have on them. In this way, you get advertising, promotion and customer service measurement. The Web also offers the opportunity to compete on the basis of specialty, rather than by the price, and that from the marketing standpoint, it is rarely desirable to compete solely on the basis of price. Marketing tries to meet the needs of customers based on the benefits they seek, which means that the price depends on the enhancement of the customer, not cost, such opportunities arise when what is offered is different for different marketing elements price, resulting in value-laden benefits, such as the comfort produced by the direct distribution through...