here are some simple things that anyone trying to find something on the internet should know.
Choose your keywords. Narrow your search as much as possible. What is exactly what you want? Are you searching for "Tea" or for " camomile Tea?"
Definately put all the exact phrases that you want in quotion marks. Without the quotes the search engine searches for web pages that have the words in the phrase somewhere on the page, rather than as a coherent expression that makes sense in itself. For example, Abbey Road must be in quotation marks if you are searching for the Beatles song Abbey Road. Otherwise, you will get webpages with Abbey and Road disconnected from each other on various places on the page. See Mywebsearch for more on this subject
You can subtract words to eliminate the words that you do not want to come up in the search. For example, if you are searching for Queen Victoria, and you recieve many pages about "Victoria station". One can eliminate unwanted results by writing the key words minus the unwanted word. for example, type in "Queen Victoria"-station.